Student Data Privacy at Peak to Peak
Peak to Peak takes seriously the moral and legal obligation to protection the privacy of all individuals in our community. Reliance on digital environments is ubiquitous in education. Schools collect and store a variety of data in order to track student performance, drive decision-making, implement improvement strategies, and ensure that students are college and career ready upon graduation. The federal and state governments require certain protections through several laws and statutes that affect schools. Peak to Peak adheres to the legal requirements and follows the Boulder Valley School District policies for protecting student data.
Student data is defined as any information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies a student or the student's parent/guardian. When such information is collected, maintained, generated, or inferred by a public education entity, either directly or through a service provider, the public education entity is required to take certain steps to ensure that privacy is maintained. Data collected by Peak to Peak meets specific policy, practice, and service needs. Only authorized individuals have access to the data. Examples of student data include: demographics, test scores, attendance, learning and behavioral intervention plans, course transcripts, graduation status, etc.
Colorado's Student Data Transparency and Security Act was passed in 2016. The expectations outlined in the statute are required to be in place by December 31st, 2017. Additional information is available on BVSD's Student Data Privacy webpage. In addition to the Approved Software Vendors listed on the district's webpage, Peak to Peak additionally has contracts with the following vendors who have signed BVSD's Data Protection Addendum:
- Blackboard (Web Community Manager, Mass Notification System, and ParentLink)
- Blackboard Master Services Agreement
- Blackboard 2019-20 Renewal agreement
- Blackboard 2020-21 Renewal agreement
- Blackboard 2021-22 Renewal agreement
- Blackboard 2022-23 Renewal agreement
- Finalsite (formerly Blackboard) 2023-24 Renewal agreement
Peak to Peak teachers and staff also use many of the online tools shown in the district's list of Click-Through Online Tools.
This page will be updated as more information becomes available and as we further work to implement the requirements of the statute. If you have any questions about Student Data Privacy, please contact the school.