Board of Directors Skip To Main Content

Board of Directors

The Peak to Peak Board of Directors governs the school in accordance with the school bylaws that are a part of its contract with the Boulder Valley School District. The board sets policy in order to support and maintain the school’s mission, goals, and educational philosophy. It designates standing committees to implement personnel, budgetary, and academic processes that create a consistent, yet dynamic educational setting.

The Board of Directors comprises seven elected (voting) members, and five non-voting members:  the Executive Director of Education, Executive Director of Operations, Elementary Principal, Middle School Principal, and High School Principal. In addition to their contribution to the board at the strategic, policy and oversight level, the Executive Directors and principals serve as the day-to-day, onsite leadership for our staff, students and parents.

Voting members are elected by the Peak to Peak community for staggered, three-year terms to ensure continuity of experience and leadership. The board works with and for all of the members of the Peak to Peak community. Board meetings are open to the public and the board welcomes community member attendance and observation at the meetings.

2024-25 Meeting Agendas

2024-25 Meeting Minutes