Alumni Network
As the Peak to Peak community prepares to celebrate our 25th year, we are excited to launch our Alumni Association.
This group will serve as a vital link between past, present, and future members of our community. Networking Opportunities: We recognize Peak to Peak alumni pursue many and various paths after graduation. Having an active alumni association provides a platform for graduates to connect with each other, fostering a network to support professionals in various fields. With your active participation, this network can offer career advice, mentorship, and even potential job opportunities. Community Engagement: We value our alumni as part of our community. We hope that you are able to maintain a sense of community among alumni whether that be in the form of reunions and events, attending the annual gala, or other activities. Mentorship Program: Sharing your experiences, offering guidance on college choice and career paths, and providing insights into the world beyond high school can be immensely valuable to our K-12 students as they navigate their educational and professional journeys. Preserving Peak to Peak History and Tradition: As Peak to Peak continues to evolve, the alumni association plays a crucial role in preserving and celebrating the rich history and traditions of our school. Participating in the Alumni Association fosters a sense of belonging. Once a Puma, Always a Puma.