High School Health & PE Skip To Main Content

High School Health & PE

Health Education introduces students to information necessary to make smart decisions throughout their lifetime. The material presented is relevant to everyday life and takes into account the diverse physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs of high school students. Subjects include wellness, mental and emotional health, nutrition, substance use/abuse and gateway drugs, disease awareness, personal well-being, and sexual education.

Health Graduation Requirement:  Students must successfully complete one 5-credit course in health and wellness. It is recommended that Health & Wellness be taken in 10th or 11th grade.

The Physical Education Department fosters a love of physical activity and play in order to develop a life-long pursuit of physical fitness. The department focuses on the development of fair play, cooperation, and self-esteem, with an emphasis on skill development, knowledge, and practice. Department members share new strategies for teaching, provide feedback, and support one another. Teachers will encourage and promote a positive environment where students are safe, are empowered to take risks, and are successful. This class consists of a variety of sports and games as well as a fitness component that focuses on the development of skills with the emphasis on fun and competitive play. Some examples of sports and activities are flag football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, hockey, and many other activities and sports. There will also be an element of educating students to explore and understand the importance of making exercise and/or playing sports part of living a healthy lifestyle.

PE Graduation Requirement:  Students must successfully complete at least 10 credits of physical education.  5 of the 10 credits required must be earned during school hours and will be assigned, if not selected by students, in 9th grade. Students who participate in extracurricular or outside sports or athletic activity may receive credit for those activities towards the physical education requirement; credit will be determined on an individual basis.  Appropriate documentation must be completed by the student, family, and coach and must be pre-approved each time credit is requested. A maximum of five units of P.E. credit may be earned in this manner in any school year.  P.E. courses may be repeated for credit. A student who wishes to receive an exemption from a P.E. course or the P.E. requirement must submit a P.E. exemption request, prior to the registration deadline for the applicable semester, for consideration by the Academic Affairs Committee. A new P.E. exemption request must be submitted for each semester in which the exemption will apply.

View course offerings for the 2025-26 school year

Course descriptions are provided through the additional links on this page.
Please contact your counselor if you have questions about course placement or the selection process.