Local, National, and International Trips
Peak to Peak offers students numerous K-12 opportunities for local, national, and international overnight field trips. All trips offer the opportunity for students to extend their learning experience away from campus. Trips are selected based on their alignment with each other and the following Peak to Peak mission and vision categories:
Athletic and/or Creative Pursuit
Service Learning and/or Global Citizenship
Language and/or Cultural Immersion
College Visit
Each year, Peak to Peak evaluates the number and selection of trip offerings to ensure a variety of experiences, locations, and opportunities for students. While not required, secondary students are encouraged to participate in at least one of these trips during the 6th through 12th grades.
Trips are listed by academic year for all grade levels. Be sure to read the targeted grade level and travel requirements for each trip. Trips for the upcoming academic year will be posted by May 1st. Check back frequently for updates to trips listed for future academic years.
2022-2023 Trip Offerings:
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