Concussion Information Skip To Main Content

Concussion Information

  • An athlete cannot return to play without a doctor's clearance first. (Please see information and complete the form linked on the Health room page.)
  • Graduated Return to play Guidelines
  • The coach with the athletic director will determine when a student has met the BVSD guidelines for their return to play.

Due to the tragic death of a student athlete Jake Snakenburg, from the effects of a concussion, the State of CO has passed a law requiring all coaches to hold a student out of sport if concussion symptoms are suspected. CHSAA requires all coaches to take a Concussion Course. Coaches are not allowed to diagnosis but are required by state law to err on the side of caution. Per state law, your student athlete will not be allowed to return to play until cleared by a health care provider.

Please see the following websites for more information:

CDE Comprehensive Resource for Concussions .
CHSAA Concussion Policy
CHSAA parent guide to concussions
BVSD athletics concussion information
CDE Concussion Management Guidelines
R E A P recommendations for return to play

We want you to know that we take our job to care for the health and well-being of your student athlete seriously.