Support Staff and Non-Teaching Position Application Skip To Main Content

Support Staff and Non-Teaching Position Application

Follow the link provided below to complete the application. Please carefully complete the entire application, as incomplete applications will slow down the process and may delay consideration. Should you be invited to the school for an interview, we will request that you bring hard copies of your transcripts and current teaching certificate or license, if you have one (not required).

A Spanish language version of this application (hard copy or electronic) is available in the front office or by request. 
Una versión en español de esta aplicación (copia impresa o electrónica) está disponible en la oficina principal o por solicitud. Gracias 

Click to read more information regarding employer-required Family Medical Leave ActBoulder Valley Public Schools (BVSD), which includes Peak to Peak Charter School, is committed to and guided by the principle of equal opportunity. Peak to Peak faculty will participate in the Boulder Valley School District insurance and retirement programs. Current BVSD teachers and administrators are eligible for a leave of absence from their regular position to teach at Peak to Peak.