Donate to Peak to Peak by Shopping
King Soopers
Link your King Soopers rewards card or phone number to Friends of Peak to Peak to have a percent of sales donated to Peak to Peak.
American Furniture Warehouse
Mention "Peak to Peak" when you shop in-store or online at American Furniture Warehouse and a portion of sales will be donated to the school.
Grandrabbit's Toys
Grandrabbit's gives 5% of sales back to Peak to Peak when you mention "Peak to Peak" during in-store checkout.
Boxtops for Education
Buy Box Top products, scan your receipt with the Box Tops App, and earn cash for Peak to Peak!
Mike Maroone Chevy
Mike Maroone Chevy GMC donates $100 to Peak to Peak for every vehicle sold to a Peak to Peak community member. Be sure to mention "Peak to Peak" during your transaction.
Due South Realty
For every home purchased by a Peak to Peak community member with a Due South Realty agent, $250 is donated to Peak to Peak.
Raise Right
By using e-gift cards purchased through RaiseRight to pay for everyday purchases, you can help raise money for Peak to Peak.