New Volunteer Information Skip To Main Content

New Volunteer Information

Prior to volunteering at Peak to Peak you must complete the steps below and be approved.  

There are two options on how to volunteer at our school and its processes are listed below.  You will be contacted via email once STEP 1 is complete and walk you through each step.

Option 1:  Volunteering more than once or Parent Drivers
Fingerprinting is required. This is only done once, and it allows you to be a volunteer for the entire time your student is here at Peak to Peak. 
Step 1:  Submit your paperwork
You can drop them off at the main office or email them to our volunteer coordinator.

Papeleo para Voluntarios

The Privacy Act Statement is for your information only.
Declaración de la Ley de Privacidad es solo para su información.
Step 2:  Fingerprint instructions
Once your paperwork is received, we will contact you over email with a coupon code.
Step 3:  Once background check is complete
We will contact you over email for your photo to make you a badge.  This is required to be on our campus.  
 **Parent Drivers: You must be an approved volunteer to be a driver (follow steps 1-3 above) plus submit the following to the main office. This process must be completed every school year. 
Copy of your Driver's License
Copy of your Insurance Policy (Declaration page
Option 2:  Volunteering at only one event during the school year
You do not need to get fingerprinted.  STEP 1 (above) must be submitted.   You will need to select a One-Time Background check on the Volunteer Waiver and Release Agreement.  You will be contacted over email to complete your background check using your SS#.  Background checks are done every year.  This option expires after the event of choice and new paperwork will be required for future opportunities.

Please contact Allie Cross ( or 303-453-4682) if you have any questions about forms.  

It is a requirement that all new volunteers review our online volunteer training, linked below, prior to volunteering.  Feel free to contact the K-12 Volunteer Coordinator ( with any questions.