Make a Report
The safety and well-being of every student and staff member at Peak to Peak are our highest priorities. In accordance with BVSD guidelines and BVSD Policy JDHB, this page outlines several ways for students, staff, and community members to report concerns, including bullying, harassment, discrimination, child abuse, and other serious issues. Reports can be submitted online at the links above, directly to an administrator via email, or using a paper report form available from any administrator or office personnel. We encourage everyone to speak up and help us maintain a safe and supportive environment.
If you see something, say something.
Safe2Tell Reporting Tool
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community. Reports can be made 24/7/365. Safe2Tell will send your report to the appropriate school leader and law enforcement official for follow up. You can also make a report by phone by calling 1-877-542-7233.
BVSD Bullying report Form
Make an online report to let us know about aggressive behavior among students that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Following your submission, the principal and designated Peak to Peak administrator will be notified and you can expect to receive a follow-up communication. A school leader will conduct an investigation, speaking to all parties involved. Afterward, the reporting party will receive an update on the outcome of the investigation and any next steps. Note: Peak to Peak Administration cannot share details or private information, including disciplinary action, about students with anyone other than the students parent/guardian.
Discrimination & Sexual Violence/Harassment Reporting Form
Under BVSD Policy AC and AC-R, procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public to report incidents of discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence. Victims of any type of discrimination or harassment are encouraged to report the incident to an adult they trust, whether it is a school counselor, administrator, or law enforcement officer. Reports can be made orally or in writing. Written reports can be submitted using the above linked form. The following person has been identified as a Title IX compliance officer for Peak to Peak:
Report Child Abuse & Neglect
All BVSD employees are mandatory reporters and must immediately make a report if they have reason to suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect. Report any suspected abuse or neglect by calling 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437) and by completing the BVSD Child Abuse form.