Healthy School Meals for All - Peak To Peak Charter School Skip To Main Content

Healthy School Meals for All

Food Services is excited to announce we will be offering FREE breakfasts and FREE lunches this year to ALL students 18 years and younger due to the Healthy School Meals for All ballot initiative that passed in November 2022.  We will be using the serving lines to serve students and the students will need to walk through the lines to the cashiers' stations and enter their ID# so the reimbursable meal can be captured and reported.

A reimbursable breakfast consists of either one main item, such as a muffin, bagel, hot meal, yogurt parfait, cereal/bars (2), etc. along with a fruit or juice.  Milk is optional.

For lunch, a meal consists of either the hot meal, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, or sub sandwiches (secondary only).  The lunch must include either a fruit and/or a vegetable. Milk is optional.  Elementary school "Puma Patch" and full salad bars will be operational.  A large salad, along with a large soup, can be considered a reimbursable meal, and a side salad constitutes a vegetable.

*******Changes in Food Services************

1.  There will be no negative charging to accounts.  In order to purchase a second meal (secondary only) or a la carte items, money must be in your student's lunch account.  If there is no money to cover a charge,  the student will be asked to return the unpaid items.

2.  A la carte items are not covered in the free breakfast and free lunch program.

3.  For secondary only - All chips, cookies, and bars will be sold from the concession stand rather than the serving lines.  With the number of meals being served to all students, we are trying to streamline the process of checking out for meals only and remove the a la carte racks to another location to keep the lines moving quickly.

4.  For secondary only - In attempts to keep the lines moving quickly, we have purchased scanners to retrieve student accounts.  The student will be required to show their student badge which has their barcode.   The scanner will be able to retrieve the accounts rather than the students entering ID# on a keypad. ******Please remind your student to have their ID badges ready to show the cashiers so their meal can be processed quickly!!******

5. Families Qualifying for Free and Reduced Lunch/Fee Waivers

Families who wish to have their school fees waived/reduced will need to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application/Fee Waiver Application and complete the Release to Share information before October 1.  Upon qualifying, your student's required student fees and athletic fees will be adjusted. Please contact Elizabeth Begley with questions about these forms or Amy Skinner with questions about your student's fees.

Please make sure there are funds in your student's accounts.  If a deposit is being made using a debit or credit card, please visit to enter your information.  Cash and checks can be dropped off in the lockboxes located in the lobby of the South building or in the cafeteria.  If you are setting up an account in, please choose Peak to Peak as the district and have your student ID# ready.

With the challenge of our supply chain, our food items are limited at times.  Please recognize that our menu items may change due to product availability.

We are thrilled to welcome students back on campus!!!!  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to either Elizabeth Begley at 303-453-4782 or Paula Greenspan at 303-453-4783.