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Health Room & Wellness

The Peak to Peak Health Room Team is dedicated to the care and needs of your student during the school day - and to provide a positive, welcoming, safe space for your student when most needed.

BVSD requirements in the P2P Health Room include coordinating annual vision and hearing screenings (CO state mandated), immunization record keeping (CO state mandated), awareness and care of students with significant health conditions, providing basic first aid, medication preparation for field trips, tracking and care of students with concussions or other injuries, as well as the administration of authorized medications.

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the HEALTH ROOM page, especially the sections on Illness/Enfermedad and Immunizations as these are the most commonly referenced subjects. In addition, the forms used in the Health Room, as well as Parent information sheets, can be found under Health Room Forms & Info Sheets - answers to some of our most frequently asked questions can be found under Health Room FAQs

We truly treasure the time we spend with your students and strive to build positive relationships with each of them!

As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 

Contact Info

303-453-4613 Fax 

HOURS: School Days:
Monday – Friday
8am to 3pm

LOCATION: South building next to the Lost and Found in room S115.
Health Room Email:
Donna Rader
Health Room Para
On-Campus 8am to 3pm
All School Days
Nicole Roscoe, RN
School Nurse Consultant
office 720-561-5577